Random Processes (ECE 5510)

This page provides material for the "Random Processes" course taught by Dr. Neal Patwari at the University of Utah, including a few lecture videos, complete lecture notes, homework assignments, and solutions. These resources are provided by Dr. Neal Patwari, who created the videos and the course notes. If you use them, please cite these resources as:

Neal Patwari, ECE 5510: Random Processes, Course Notes and Videos, April 2021, https://patwarilab.com/ece5510.html.

Lecture Notes:

My lecture notes for the semester.

Homework assignments


My video lectures include me recording my screen & microphone as I use a graphics tablet and a paint application as a whiteboard.  Each "lecture" is a Youtube playlist:

Comments or Corrections

Please contact me with questions, comments, or corrections.